Hot Meals For Those Most in Need
A hot meal and a roof over your head, just two of the most basic human rights that everyone should expect but sadly not everyone has.
Helping to tackle the problem of hunger among homeless people or those living in poverty, the Breon team & friends headed into Skopje to help the Retweet a Meal charity.
They helped prepare and get meals ready for distribution as part of their ongoing Social Friday actions, making a real difference in the community around them.
Fikret Zendelli, founder of Social Friday, said: “The Breon team has made a commitment to carry out regular Social Friday actions in their community. They’ve seen first-hand the difference they make to people’s lives and have drawn such a lot of personal satisfaction from joining together and helping others.
“Quite simply Social Friday is the best thing you can do on a slow Friday afternoon. It finishes the working week off perfectly, leaving you with the feeling that you’ve made a positive impact on those around you. Changing the world around us one action at a time is the message behind all we do and I’m delighted that Breon is on board.”
Want to know more? If you’re interested in getting involved in Social Friday actions or want to set up one of your own, find out more here.