
Be the 1st Company to Make History in Your Country

How’s Friday afternoon working out for you? Are you motivated? Is your team working at capacity? Now be honest, has your mind already wondered towards your weekend plans, to an evening out with friends, family commitments or just some well needed rest and relaxation? Well, ours too, but not before we devote Friday afternoon for […]
by Social Friday

How’s Friday afternoon working out for you?

Are you motivated? Is your team working at capacity?

Now be honest, has your mind already wondered towards your weekend plans, to an evening out with friends, family commitments or just some well needed rest and relaxation?

Well, ours too, but not before we devote Friday afternoon for greater good.

We’re not talking hours spent clock watching or racing through that last-minute deadline. We are talking truly brilliant, weekend welcoming, heart filling activities that make Friday afternoon truly the best part of the week.

We are talking about Social Friday.

If you haven’t heard of us, here’s who we are in a nutshell: we exist to bring the business world alongside the wider community. We pair up business people with community projects and help create awareness on local society matters, make a fairer, better world by throwing in lots of inspiring activities, job satisfaction and team bonding along the way.

Being part of Social Friday benefits everyone. It motivates your staff, bringing them closer together through a shared, worthwhile experience, it helps promote your business as one that takes it Corporate Social Responsibility role seriously and of course it gives the community you work and live in a much needed helping hand.

Sounds good? Being part of this growing movement is easy.

Join Us and be the first in your country to host a Social Friday for which if apply until 15.04.2019, you’ll receive a brilliant free gift for your team and additionally:

It couldn’t be easier, so get in contact and see how you can make Friday, a Social Friday.



What is Social Friday?

From slow Friday afternoons to global impact: discover how Social Friday is transforming the least productive hours of the week into community action.

Become The Team

We’re looking for bold, passionate changemakers to use their skills, spark change, and help reinvent Fridays.


Reinventing Fridays: A New Era We’ve all been there, right? That feeling of dragging through the week, watching the clock tick closer to the weekend. The last hours of Friday are often spent counting down the minutes until you can check out, switch off, and zone out. Nowadays, whether you’re working from home in your […]